Performing Obscenity. Bodies, Violence and Desire in the Contemporary Debate

Azimuth 6/2015 | Performing Obscenity. Bodies, Violence and Desire in the Contemporary Debate

Edited by Libera Pisano
ISBN: 9788863728941
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What does it mean to perform obscenity? How can the borders of obscenity be defined, given that it deals with a huge variety of topics, ranging from eroticism to violence, from transgression to the exercising of power? In the last thirty years, thanks to an increased interest in the body, pornography has become a philosophical subject, which has acquired – starting from Foucault – a paradigmatic role in the works of Agamben, Han, Žižek and the vast constellation of gender studies. Pornography does not concern only the display of sexually explicit content, but because of the use and consumption which lie at the heart of cyberporn, it is an extreme metaphor of contemporary culture in which desire and capitalism are combined. In an attempt to shed light on a wide range of aspects – with regard to an aesthetic mediology, a politics of the body and a semantics of desire – , this volume collects different essays in order to investigate obscenity as a philosophical tool and a cultural category of the present age. On the one hand, it has been investigated as a theoretical device, a filter for the analysis of social processes, a gender challenge, a social form of power and pleasure; on the other hand, by dealing with cultural visibility, it involves many different medias: from cinema to literature, from art to photography, from ancient statuary to Youporn.


  • Preliminary Notes
  • Gilles Jacinto – Muriel Plana, Corps et gestus queer. Pornographies politiques dans la littérature et le spectacle contemporains
  • Michaela Wünsch, Das Rektum als Grab. Zur kryptischen Pornografie Jean Genets
  • Cristina Basili, Il corpo della politica. Variazioni sull’Elettra di Simone Weil
  • Francesca Gargallo Celentani, Cuerpos de mujeres. El freno que la violencia aplica a la liberación
  • Linda Hentschel, Black CockL’adorazione e il castigo
  • Antonio Romano, Pornografia del segreto di stato
  • Naief Yehya, Pornografia. Invasione, conquista e colonizzazione dell’immaginario del desiderio
  • Anne G. Sabo, Porn Transformed. Feminist Re-visions and Definitions at Play
  • Enrico Biasin, How to do Things with Bodies. Gli studi sul cinema e l’industria culturale della pornografia audiovisiva
  • Flavia Monceri, Il ‘Caso Spanner’: sadomasochismo, corpi e potere
  • Claudio Libero Pisano, Come l’arte disinnesca la pornografia